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Seaview Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Special Educational Needs Provision in Seaview

In Seaview we provide lots of learning support for children in and out of the classroom. Our Learning Support Team consists of;

Mrs Curran - Vice Principal

Mrs Corr - Learning Support Coordinator - Nursery

Mrs Devlin - Learning Support Coordinator - Primary

Mr Cochrane - Rainbow Room teacher

Ms Abo- Esha- Newcomer Assistant


Newcomer Support

Our school community in Seaview is enriched by the variety of languages and cultures which our children and their families bring to it. We aim to offer language support to those children who don’t have sufficient English to access the curriculum. Children work in groups of 2 or 3 with others of similar ability, supported by Ms Abo-Esha. They learn the basic vocabulary needed to help them through the day and take part in class activities and learning. Many of our children have made amazing progress in a short time and are now working on higher level learning.

As well as the support offered to the children by the staff in Seaview Primary School, children can also be provided with support from Outside Agencies.

Behaviour Support

Harberton Behaviour Support- This service provides support for children at Foundation and Key Stage 1 who have been referred to Educational Psychologist due to complex SBEW difficulties.

Clarawood Behaviour Support- This service provides support for Key Stage 2 children who have been referred to Educational Psychologist due to complex SBEW difficulties.


Literacy Support

Harberton Literacy Support - This outreach service offers support in Literacy skills for children in Key Stage 1. They aim to provide support for those children who are failing to respond to relevant and purposeful measures within the school's provision. The school refer children for this support.

Literacy Service- The Education Authority’s (EA) Literacy Service provides support for pupils, schools and parents in the area of specific learning difficulties in literacy (SpLDs)/dyslexia. Children receive support through a referral from the school, to Educational Psychology.


Sensory Team - The EA Sensory Service supports children and young people with educational needs arising from a diagnosed hearing and/or visual loss. The referral for this support comes from the Health Trust.

Early Years Inclusion Service (EYIS)- This regional service aims to promote the optimum development of pre-school children with special educational needs by providing advice and support to children, families and pre-school settings.

Language & Communication- The EA Language & Communication Service (LCS) supports pupils with identified language difficulties as a primary area of need. Children receive support through a referral from the school, to Educational Psychology.

Autism Advisory & Intervention Service (AAIS)- The EA has a dedicated Autism Advisory and Intervention Service (AAIS)The AAIS provides advice, guidance and support to educational settings in order to promote best practice for children and young people with autism. The AAIS also offers a range of trainings available to setting staff, parents and carers. The AAIS consists of professionals who have specific training, knowledge and experience in supporting children and young people with autism.  The teams consist of classroom assistants, autism intervention officers, advisory teachers and assistant advisory officers. Children receive support through a referral from the school, to Educational Psychology.

RISE (Regional Integrated Support for Education) - This service will enable staff from the health and social care and education sectors to work closely together to help children access learning and enhance their development to reach their full potential. The areas they support are;

-Sensory/ visual perceptual skills

-Motor skills

-Social, emotional and behavioural

-Speech, language and communication.

A range of healthcare professionals from teams within Health and Social Care Trusts deliver training, advice and support for parents and education staff and provide integrated early interventions for children on a group or individual basis depending on the needs of the children. The service ensures better outcomes for all children and any barriers to their learning are addressed as early as possible in the classroom. The school refer children for this support.


If you have a concern

As a parent you know your child better than anyone else. You hold key information and therefore have an important role to play in supporting their education. You have unique knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of your child's needs and the best way to support them with their learning and development both at home and in school.

If your child is provided with different work or activities in class from that of their peers, you should not worry. All children are different. Teachers at Seaview Primary School are highly skilled professionals and use a wide range of approaches and strategies to help children learn. Praise your child for their effort and for trying their best in school. This will build their confidence.

Our teachers have a professional responsibility to act upon their assessments and observations. Therefore, they will always choose the most appropriate way to help each child learn from a range of activities within a continuum of learning support. This is described as differentiating the curriculum.

What to do if you are worried that your child may have Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Children do not all learn at the same rate or pace. They may have difficulties with some aspects of their learning from time to time but most children with learning difficulties do not have special educational needs.

If you are worried about your child's progress

  1. Contact the class teacher who will arrange a time to meet with you. The teacher will explain how your child is getting on in school and, if needed, will address any concerns you may have. They will also advise you on how you can help your child at home.
  2. If, after a period of observation, the teacher thinks that additional provision in school is needed for your child, they will contact you and arrange a meeting to discuss this with you.


Seaview Primary School have clear processes for identifying and assessing children with Special Educational Needs. Staff will strive to ensure that your child's needs are fully met whether they have learning difficulties or SEN.

SEN- What does it mean?

In the 1996 Education Order, a child is described as having special educational needs (SEN) if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning that other children which calls for special educational provision to be made for them that is additional to or otherwise different from that which children of a similar age receive in school. A child also has SEN  if they have a disability that calls for special education provision to be made for them. If Seaview Primary School thinks your child needs special educational provision they will be placed on the school's SEN register Stage 2. Your child will also have either a Learning Plan, Positive Behaviour Plan or sometimes both.

What if the difficulties persist?

If your child does not make adequate progress on the targets in their Learning Plans or Positive Behaviour Plans and continues to experience significant difficulties, school may wish to seek further advice from the Education Authority. Mrs Latham or Mrs Devlin will discuss this with you and seek your agreement.

On seeking agreement, the school Educational Psychologist will assess your child and advise school and parents on further support needed. This may be specific help, in their area of need, from Outside Agencies.



What is a Statutory Assessment?

A Statutory Assessment is a formal and detailed process to find out what your child's special needs are, and what additional help they may need in school.

When will a child get a Statutory Assessment?

A child may need a statutory assessment before going to nursery school if they have very severe and complex needs or, for children and young people already at school, if the extra support they have been getting for their special educational needs is not helping.

How long does a Statutory Assessment take?

If the EA agree that your child  needs a statutory assessment, they will aim to complete within 26 weeks. They will give you an named person with whom you will be able to discuss any questions or concerns regarding assessment. This named person will also be responsible for gathering advice from all those involved with your child.

Does a Statutory Assessment always lead to a Statement being issued?

The information gathered by the EA during the assessment process may indicate ways in which the educational setting can meet the needs of your child without the need for a Statement. If this is the case the EA will tell you of the decision within 18 weeks. Sometimes there can be a little delay if the EA are waiting for important advices to come in, or school is on holiday.

If the EA decides not to issue a Statement or you disagree with what they say you have the right to go to mediation and / or to appeal their decision. If you need help or advice at any stage, you can speak to your named person in Special Education or you may wish to contact the following agencies.

Contact Details

Special Education will assist you with any queries about your child's assessment. Tel: 02890 564000

The SEN Advice and Information Service helps parents of children with SEN access support, guidance and advice in relation to the needs of their children. Tel: 028 90564273

The Dispute Avoidance & Resolution Service (DARS) is an andependent service which works towards avoiding and resolving disagreements between parents and The Education Authority, or parents and school, in regard to children with SEN. The service provides a forum for exploring difference, identifying points of agreement and finding a way forward which is acceptable to all involved.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) is an independent body which hears parents' appeals against the Education Authority's decisions on Statutory Assessments and Statements of Special Educational Needs. Tel: 02890724887

More details of both of these services can be found on the Education Authority's website or Tel: 02837512383

Useful Documents

DE, The Code of Practice on the Identification & Assessment of Special Educational Needs (1998) and the Supplement to the Code (2005)



Support for Parents

Below are some resources that may be suitable in supporting your children at home. The children will be familiar with many of the activities.

Literacy for KS1 and KS2

 Free trial for parents with lots of interactive phonic activities

Free resource with a huge range of books to read and activities

Click on reading & spelling free trial on the home page

Online reading games and activities for children 3-13

Games, activities and book ideas for children off all ages

Free e-book library and Literacy activities

Available on app store for mobile devices.

-Read with Phonics

-Reading Eggs

-Meet the Alphablocks

-Hairy Letters

-Teach My Monster to Read

-Abby’s reading Adventure

-Kidlo Spelling Games

-Cbeebies Storytime



Fun songs to learn x tables

Quick recall of x tables, number bonds (adding and subtracting), division facts, doubles and square numbers  

Games for learning to tell the time in analogue and digital

Daily maths problems for Y3-5

Daily maths problems for Y5-7  

Link to Topmarks website which has maths games and activities as well as links to games on other websites. 



Just as we teach kids to eat well and stay fit to keep their bodies healthy, teaching children how to proactively care for their mind is equally important. The following websites and links provide some support for children if they are feeling anxious and to help them feel more relaxed every day!


Relax kids have provided a free ‘calm pack’ with lots of exercises and activities to help children feel calm and safe during these unsettling times.

Cosmic Kids is a website full of yoga and mindfulness videos for children. There is also a cosmic kids App and you can find the videos on You Tube.

Go Noodle offers free movement, yoga and mindfulness videos and activities the children can access from home. Also search Go Noodle mindfulness on You Tube for lots of videos.

Audible has a range of audio books for children. (Free for 30 days)

Mindfulness for Kids is an audio book by Brenda Shankey- a local Mindfulness Coach.

Keeping Active

The following websites are great for keeping children active at home.

BBC Supermovers has lots of educational active learning videos to help children with Maths, Literacy, PHSE and P.E.

You tube channel with lots of music and movement activities for children. Both educational and fun!

Sleep and Bedtime

The following is a list of Apps which may help with bedtime routine and sleep;

Calm App has a ‘sleep stories’ section that would help children to relax before bedtime.

Headspace Kids App has a function to select age range of children to help with mediation and sleep.



Reading, phonics and maths:

Literacy, Numeracy, colouring & craft printables: - activities would need to be printed out

English Course for age 2-6: - tips on how to support your child’s learning at home

English course for age 6-11: - fantastic website for primary children to practice reading, writing, spelling and grammar. Advice for parents too. Interactive activities and activities which can be printed out.

Language of the month: - interactive video clips of pupils teaching their own language

Woodlands Literacy Zone: - a game that makes learning to read fun as children move through different levels. App also available. - fantastic website for learning a new language. App also available.


Helping children to learn English at home

1.Speak your home language. It is part of your child’s culture and identity. If your child has good language skills in your home language, this helps him / her to learn English.

2. Help your child to learn English so that when they return to school, he / she can talk with friends and understand in class. You can do this by listening to the radio and watching TV in English with your child.

You can also use the websites and apps below;  

You can listen to an actor telling a story with pictures. It is very easy to use. You can listen to the stories using YouTube, if you like.

This website has stories from different countries. You can read and listen in different languages.

This website has lots of activities to learn English. You can:

  • Listen and watch a story
  • Practise reading and writing
  • Practise speaking
  • Practise grammar and vocabulary
  • Play a game


Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

RISE Team School Closure Toolkit - visuals for timetables, how to use the pack, choice boards

Middletown Centre of Excellence of Autism - Webinars covering topics such as 'Handling the New Normal,' 'Wellbeing and Being Well' and 'Personal Care'

Autism NI  A charity to support families who have children on the Autism Spectrum. They have a useful Anxiety resource pack. The following apps are also useful:

National Autistic Society - has good advice on how to use social stories with your children.

Twitter:@autism, Facebook:National Autistic Society



Belfast Health and Social Care Trust have information on Children with Disability (CWD) Information page

Explaining social distancing

Changes in Code of Practice

Moving from five to three stages of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
*Guidance for parents and guardians of pupils who are currently on the SEN register
The SEN Code of Practice is an important guidance document that all schools must follow when making decisions about identifying, assessing and making provision for children who have SEN. Currently, all children with SEN are recorded on the school’s SEN register under one of five stages according to the level of support which they need to help them make progress in school. The new Code, when published by the Department of Education, will have three stages for schools to record children on the SEN register.
Why are we moving from five stages to three?
The new three stages are easier for parents, schools and everyone involved in helping to support children with SEN to understand and use. They help to streamline the SEN process and they focus specifically on the different levels of provision that can be made to help children with SEN.
When will the change from five to three stages happen?
Over the next few months, schools will look at their SEN registers and move each child across from the five stage model to the three stage model. All children will be recorded under the new three stages by October 2021.
What will the new three stages look like?
The new three stages focus on levels of provision for pupils who have SEN:
 Stage One: Pupils who are recorded as new Stage One will be receiving school delivered special educational provision.
 Stage Two: Pupils who are recorded as new Stage Two will be receiving school delivered special educational provision plus external provision, e.g. from one of the Education Authority (EA) Pupil Support Services or from a service within the Health and Social Care Trust. Pupils who are going through the statutory assessment process will be recorded as Stage Two also.
 Stage Three: Pupils who are recorded as new Stage Three will have a statement of Special Educational Needs and will be receiving school and EA delivered special educational provision as detailed in their statement.
Will my child be affected by the move from five to three stages?
Your child will NOT be affected by the change. The move from five to three stages is simply a clearer and more user-friendly way of recording the level of provision that pupils with SEN need to help them make progress.
The provision currently being made for your child will NOT change as a result of SEN registers moving to the three stage model.
*With effect from: April 2021-October 2021