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Seaview Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Choir singing at St George’s Market

18th Nov 2022

On Friday 18th November 2022 Seaview School Choir took St George’s Market by storm, performing a range of much-loved Christmas Songs to parents, market stall owners, shoppers and tourists who all stopped to hear the children sing. This was the choir’s first outing in two years because of the impact of covid restrictions and the children were filled to the brim with excitement at the prospect of performing outside of school. Their excitement was not in vain as it fuelled an excellent performance full of song, smiles and Christmas cheer.

Thank you to all the families who attended the event in support of the choir, and we look forward to our next outings across the Christmas calendar. More information will be shared in due course with when our next public appearance will be.

Well-done to all the singers and adults involved in making the performance at St George’s Market such a success.